In today's world when everything is changing so fast, left us lost in our thoughts struggling to manage our Deen with the Duniya. In Surah Hud Allah swt. asked our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) not to run from struggles and unfavorable circumstances but instead tackle the issues and remain steadfast neither overdoing things nor overlooking them. He said to stay on the path like the Mountain. No matter whether it is the hot blow of summer or the freezing breeze of winter or the rainfalls of monsoon the Mountain neither shifts right nor left.

The very question which comes to our minds after listening/reading this would be "IS IT EASY?" The answer is no, absolutely no. However, do you what happen when we remain steadfast not only in our beliefs but also in our deeds.? The Angels come down from the skies to console us " DON'T WORRY, DON'T BE SAD INDEED THERE ARE GLAD TIDINGS OF JANNAH FOR YOU !!" Can you just imagine the love of your Lord? Isn't it something absolutely beautiful?

Now the question arises of when to realize it?

  • When you cover yourself under the Hijab and everyone is looking at you to pull you down.
  • When you refuge go free with boys like them and they call you grandma or lady of the 18th century.
  • When you didn't join their parties full of music, dance, drink, and nudity. They look at you like an alien.
  • When you prioritize your salah and ibadah instead of their gossip and make you feel left out.
  • When you give more importance to your lectures and assignments in colleges and universities and try your best to excel in the exam, they tease you saying you 'bookworm'.
Remember the word of your Lord; He mentioned in surah Muhammad "If you victory to Allah, he will show victory to you provided that you remain steadfast." whenever happen to you like this first be grateful to him and have sabr. I know it is hurting and often it wanes our patience but at the very same time just think of Allah and his deen care about him and he will care about you. Please don't sell deen to please people. Please don't sell your Akhirah for this Duniya it doesn't worth it. Always remember the motto of your life should be to serve Allah, not yourself and your desires. 

Once a Sahaba came to our prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and asked him, 'Ya messenger of Allah swt. can you tell me the bottom line of Islam?'. He salat-o-was Salam replied, Say I believe in Allah swt. and stay steadfast.  

We all know the most often made dua of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him):

   يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ  

" Oh! The turner of heart makes my heart firm upon your religion."    

Say this dua in every Sujood, Ya rabbi! make heart way that it loves to obey you.


Challenge yourself! 

Remove what makes you weak, or what doesn't make you strong. Check the things.
who are your friends?
What is your relationship with him and his book?
what is your relationship with his creation?

Check your tongue! 

Our Iman is not correct till Our heart is not correct and it is not correct till Our tongue is not correct.
Don't speak until and unless it is not necessary to put your words there. And whenever you speak check to say the truth and be polite to everyone. Indeed, our politeness and kindness have greater rewards in Allah's judgment.
Check that you have constant relation with Allah swt. and his book before the people of this world.

Don't give up!

Life is never constant everyone one of us experiences different emotions every day.  Sometimes things are easy while next time they become difficult. Remember neither to be too harsh on yourself nor become too lenient. 
Instead, put all your hope in Allah swt. and make lots of Dua, Dua & Dua!

This article is an extract from the lecture delivered by Dr. Haifaa Younis at Valley Ranch Islamic Centre, USA. The YouTube video link is:

                             في أمان الله
